Saturday, March 17, 2012

Part 3

“What was it that you said you were going to tell me later?” Fabian asked Nina.
“Um, uh,” Nina got up from the bed and shut the bedroom door then returned to her spot next to Fabian. “Fabian, this is really, really had for me to tell you.” She took a deep breath.
“Nina what is it?”
Another deep breath. “I’m still in shock from this, but Fabian, Eddie, Eddie and I-”
Fabian cut in, “No, Nina, you  can’t be-” He stood up.
“Can’t be what?”
“After we just got back together? Nina how could you?”
“What do you think this is about? Us?”
“Yeah! What else would you think this would be about? And Eddie has Patrica , and us, come on Nina!”
“Fabian calm down, this doesn’t involve us as a couple! It’s a different kind of relationship!” Nina yelled.
“What other relationship is there then?”
“Fabian, if you would of just listened to me, you would know that Eddie is my brother,” Nina whispered.
“And your not just hurting me your hurting Patrica- wait, what?”
“Eddie and I are twins,” Nina told Fabian.
“Since when?” Fabian asked, confused and surprised.
“Since the day I was born,” Nina responded trying to remain calm.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“I didn’t know, Mr. Sweet told me today, and my parents never told me before the died.”
“That means Sweetie is your dad too,” Fabian realized.
“Yeah. I’m still really confused about the whole thing and I think I should ask Gran about this, ya know, see if she knew anything.”
“That would be a good idea.”
“Yeah, so I’m gonna go and find her and, please, please, please don’t tell anyone,” Nina pleaded then left, leaving Fabian alone to think.
Nina headed outside to find her Gran sitting on a bench and reading. She took a seat next to her.
“Did you know that I was adopted?” Nina asked.
“Dear, you weren't adopted, I remember your mother being pregnant, where did you get that idea from?”
“Gran, today I learned that I have a twin brother, you didn’t hear anything from mom or dad about me, I was adopted Gran.”
“Nina that’s obscure, I was with your mother when she was giving birth.”
“So, I’m not adopted?”
“Nina your not, unless there was something that Leyla never told me.”
“So you’re sure I’m not adopted?”
“ Positive, and speaking of your mother, I have something of hers that’s for you.”
‘Really, what is it?” Nina got excited.
“Your mother left you a box, just hours before she died she told me, ‘Give this to Nina when the time is right, she’ll have the key’ and I just have happened to bring it with me to England.”
“Really? Where is it?” Nina asked joyfully.
“It’s in my suitcase, come I’ll get you it,” Nina followed her Gran into the house and up the stairs to her room.
After digging in her suitcase, Nina’s Gran finally pulled out an old wooden box and handed it to Nina.
“I don’t know how it opens or anything about it, but maybe you can figure it out?”
“Maybe I can,” Nina smiled catching a glimpse of the small eye of Horus carved into the side of the box. She knew the box would open a new mystery.

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