Sunday, March 11, 2012

Part 2

“That’s impossible, my parents are dead, both of them, they died when I was four,” Nina responded to the shocking news.
“Yes your adoptive parents died, but not your biological parents,” Mr. Sweet told his daughter.
“Wait,” Eddie said, “so, Nina”s my sister?”
“Twins, I think,” Nina remarked.
“Exactly, twins,” their dad confirmed.
“Who’s older?” Eddie asked.
Nina rolled her eyes.
“Nina, by ten minutes,” Mr. Sweet answered.
“So that must mean that you were at seven ten in the morning,” Nina told Eddie. “I wonder why no one told me I was adopted.”
“Why did you let Nina get adopted? Or why her? Or why not the both of us?” Eddie seemed to ask questions nonstop now. “Why wasn’t I adopted? Why didn’t you tell me that I was the osirian?”
“Eddie,” Mr, Sweet stopped his son. “The both of you better get back to class, we’ll talk later.” Eddie opened the office door, letting Nina, his twin sister out first.
“I can’t believe this,” Nina walked down the hall, talking to herself, Eddie following her, “why would my parents never tell me this? Why didn’t Gran tell me? Does she even know?”
“Nina, hey,” Nina turned to look at Eddie, “hey can we talk?”
“What’s to talk about?” Nina kept walking.
Eddie ran to catch up to her and grabbed her shoulder and turned her around, “How ‘bout the fact that were related?”
Nina brushed Eddie’s hand off of her shoulder, “I’m sorry Eddie, I just can’t deal with this now. Not right after the whole mask, and Senkarah thing. I need a break.”
“Nina, don’t you think we should talk about this, as a family?”
“Eddie, I’m sorry, just give me some time to think. And I jut really can’t think of us as family now.”
“Then should I keep this a secret, the whole sibling thing?”
Nina nodded, “That, would be nice.”
“Your going to have to tell one day.”
“Eddie, please just let me have a day,” Nina was angry at Eddie.
“Look at us were already arguing like real siblings, oh wait we are real siblings! Well, whatdayou know?”
“Eddie, Stop!” Nina yelled.

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